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In Memoriam: Peggy Rae Sapienza

SFWA Volunteer Peggy Rae Sapienza (1944-2015) died on March 22, about a month after undergoing heart surgery.  Sapienza proofread the SFWA Bulletin for several years and also helped out with coordinating the New York Reception since 2008.  In 2009, she helped run the Nebula Awards Weekend in Los Angeles and she co-chaired the 2010 Weekend in Cocoa […]

Where’s the Line? On Personal Sharing in Blog Posts and Online

by Amy Sundberg

When giving advice on writing blog posts, James Altucher says, “Bleed in the first line.” He talks about blog writing and bleeding a fair amount, actually, so I always think about bleeding when I write blog posts now. But what does that mean, bleeding on the page, and what is the correct way to do it?

A Chance to Help Young Writers


Writing genre fiction can be a lonely business for teens. The Alpha SF/F/H Workshop brings together young writers, aged 14 to 19, for ten days of creation and peer review critiques. At the end of the workshop, students leave with new skills and a vibrant network of support.

Launch Pad Workshop: A Testimonial

Any time a science fiction movie is released to the big screen, I see complaints about how science is depicted. Films such as Gravity, Interstellar, and Prometheus come to mind. They show things on screen that don’t line up with reality. While there should be some allowance given for audience expectations (a lack of sound […]

In Memoriam: Carol Severance

Reposted with permission via Bookview Cafe:  Carol Severance, a remembrance by Linda Nagata I was saddened to learn that Carol Severance has recently passed away. For those who don’t know her, Carol was a science fiction writer from Hawaii. There aren’t many of us here in the islands, and she was an important friend and […]