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For Writers

“Why SFWA®?” and “What can it do for me?” These two questions have stumped many a SFWA board member, volunteer, and employee throughout our existence. The typical answer had always been, “Bragging rights and oh, the emergency medical fund.” While those two things are definitely beneficial, I’m here to tell you that the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America is so much more.

As you can imagine, SFWA has had to evolve to stay relevant and useful to our members. Damon Knight started the organization back in 1965, and we’ve grown from a small group of members to nearly 2,800, a milestone worth mentioning in this ever-changing landscape. For some reason though, we’ve always had difficulty presenting our services in a meaningful way. In the past year though, we’ve been able to craft our elevator pitch to both new and prospective members, expand and enhance our offerings to all levels of membership, and create a handy graphic that will also need to be updated with all things awesome.

It’s no surprise that one of the most popular panels presented at the Nebula Conference (part of our promotional and educational missions) gave insight into all the existing and forthcoming programs and services that the organization has to offer. Not just to our members mind you, but to the greater SFF community at large.

Titled “SFWA Services – What Can We Do For You?,” the participants consisted of SFWA President Cat Rambo, Vice President Erin Hartshorn, CFO Bud Sparhawk, Director-at-Large Sarah Pinsker, Director-at-Large Lawrence M. Schoen, Volunteer Wrangler Derek Künsken, Writer Beware Volunteer and Advocacy Champion Michael Capobianco, and me, SFWA’s Executive Director.

Responsible for many of the different facets of the organization’s day-to-day operations and policy making, these key and dedicated individuals were able to share many of the great things we’re committed to and focused on doing. We’ll be having the panel again at our next Nebula Conference in 2025. You can go to nebulas.sfwa.org for more information on the fantastic conference and awards banquet.

Also, because the things offered on the panel bear repeating as many times as we can, I’m going to do my best in distilling everything that was said in the course of an hour.

Our transition from a 501(c)(6) non-profit trade organization to a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization has presented many challenges along with the benefits that were described in the voting packet sent out to members in 2012. Namely, our ability to give grants instead of loans to those in most desperate need for emergent medical conditions that prohibit them from writing, or to help in specific writer-involved legal situations, was one of the bigger selling points for the change.

Moving our corporate registration from Massachusetts to a friendlier California, we were able to offer online voting instead of paper balloting for our elections and special referendums, which greatly increased voting participation. Since our reincorporation, we are now able to take donations directly to our SFWA Givers Fund which funnels into both our charitable grants program, (open every August through October 31st) and also into the better-known Emergency Medical (EMF) and Legal Funds. The change allowed us to work with organizations like Humble Bundle, StoryBundle, AmazonSmile, and personal donors who believe in our varied missions. For more information on donations, you may visit sfwa.org/donate.

We are an organization with rich and sometimes tumultuous roots, with an eye to the future. Our goals will always trend toward helping writers and industry professionals in the SFF community. Which is why, when you now ask me, what can SFWA do for me? I am honored to give you a really detailed list.

Writer Beware

You should know all about this one. But in case you don’t: Founded in 1998, two highly dedicated volunteers, Ann C. Crispin and Victoria Strauss, took on the more nefarious and seedy parts of the industry, warning professionals in the field of unsavory practices by agents, editors, and publishers.

“Although we’re sponsored by US-based organizations of professional writers of fiction and non-fiction, our efforts aren’t limited by country, genre, or publication history. We’ve designed the Writer Beware website so it can be used by any writer, new or established, regardless of subject, style, genre, or nationality.”

Long before SFWA even considered becoming a charitable organization that worked for all SFF genre writers, Writer Beware was already doing important work that expanded far beyond our literary borders. Now led by Victoria Strauss, Michael Capobianco, and Richard C. White, this arm of SFWA continues to shed light and advocate in the darkest parts of the field. For more information please visit: sfwa.org/beware

Estates Project

Conceived by the late Bud Webster, who received a Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Service to SFWA Award for his efforts in this arena, SFWA’s Estates Project tracks representatives of writers’ estates and heirs and facilitates contact between them and publishers who are interested in reprinting works by those writers. Mishell Baker took over as contact person for the project in 2016 after Bud died and has recently stepped down from the job for health reasons. She has also received the SFWA Service Award. Currently, Todd Dashoff answers queries with the assistance of past SFWA president Michael Capobianco. Pairing estate managers with those individuals/entities who wish to keep works of deceased genre writers reprinted, the project keeps an active and updated list of those responsible for the rights of those works. Not only does this endeavor afford opportunities to serving members of the estate, but it can prevent long-beloved works from fading from view. The Estates Committee combined efforts with SFWA Legacy Committee to look into ways to help authors preserve their legacies now and the result is SFWA’s Estates-Legacy Committee and the Legacy Kit. For more information: sfwa.org/member-links/projects/estate/

Legacy Kit

The Legacy Kit was created in honor of Bud Webster, a driving force behind the SFWA Estates Program. It was conceived as a way of helping SFWA members prepare their estates before becoming eligible to have their names added to the SFWA Estate Project. Should you have a will that covers how your literary estate will be handled? (Yes!) What other steps should you take now to make sure your legacy lives on and your heirs are prepared. The Legacy Kit tells all.

Grievance Committee

SFWA constantly keeps our ears to the wind, in order to alert you to scams or unsavory individuals who are unable or unwilling to fulfill a contract’s terms. When this happens, another dedicated group of volunteers step in for our members, willing to work confidentially and behind-the-scenes to get you what is owed. The committee chair is Brian K. Lowe. Special thanks to previous members Lee Martindale, Anne Leonard, Michael Armstrong, Gary Kloster, Eric James Stone, Paul Jackson, Ian Watson, Dan Koboldt, and former committee chair John E. Johnston III. You do not have to be a SFWA member to get help from Griefcom, but you must be qualified to join SFWA. You can find out more here: sfwa.org/member-links/committees/griefcom/

NetGalley Access

Everyone agrees that reviews are important for book sales and visibility, but getting reviews can be an uphill battle. Most casual readers don’t bother leaving reviews, and it’s hard to get the attention of new readers who do. That’s where NetGalley comes in. They connect librarians, booksellers, educators, reviewers, and bloggers with new books. And if you want one of those new books to be your book, SFWA offers month-long listings for just $60.00!  More info here.

The SFWA Blog

Our excellent Publications team works with genre authors to provide content for professional and professionalizing writers in SFF. Located at sfwa.org/blogs/sfwa-blog, you’ll find interesting and informative articles, which include, but aren’t limited to:

Market Report

SFWA’s monthly Market Report, curated by David Steffen of the incredibly useful writing submissions tracking site The (Submissions) Grinder, is published on The SFWA Blog every month. Here you’ll find a list of relevant and open markets soliciting work for at least $0.08/word USD in at least one category of fiction.

In Memoriam

It is with great sadness that we often lose genre professionals. E.D.E. Bell works with care to craft obituaries for those who are no longer with us—as a final tribute to all they’ve contributed to the field and/or organization. Every year at SFWA Nebula Conference there is an In Memoriam segment to honor them.

Contracts Committee

Being a writer can be overwhelming. When you have mastered the art of rejection (insert copious laughter here) and you finally make that first sale, SFWA’s Contracts Committee has worked hard and has your back.  Committee members have a vast experience with contracts of all types and will privately review contracts either with or without personal information redacted. This service is available not only to members but also to anyone who would qualify for membership. For contract review, information, or questions, contact us at contracts@sfwa.org. The committee also offers a series of model contracts annotated with helpful explanations and things to watch out for. Currently, the model contracts available are:

Agent-Author Model Contract

Anthology Model Contract

Magazine Model Contract

Voice Actor Sample Contract​

Author Collaboration Model Agreement

Model Reversion Clause

You can find out more here: sfwa.org/member-links/committees/contracts-committee/


SFWA has advocated for sf/f writers in many ways over the years. We have lobbied for laws such as the CASE Act, submitted white papers and Comments to the Copyright Office, joined amicus briefs with the Authors Guild and other Authors Coalition member groups, worked to have unfair trademarks modified, and more. An incomplete list is at https://www.sfwa.org/other-resources/legal-affairs-committee/

Career Mentoring

The SFWA Mentoring Initiative is an all-volunteer service provided free of charge. We aim to connect writers who have questions, whether they are emerging writers or have expansive career experience, with each other with the objective of providing community, sharing knowledge, and offering networking opportunities. This endeavor is focused on professional development rather than artistic development.

Curated Reading Lists

There are no curated writing lists at this time. We’re always looking for reading list ideas, so please send pitches to events@sfwa.org. It’s not only a great way to raise awareness about genre-critical issues, but a great way to promote a stable of authors and venues.

​Reading Series

There are no new reading series at the moment.

Anti-Harassment Procedures

SFWA is committed to making all of our organization-sponsored spaces free of all forms of harassment, intimidation, and discrimination. Whether you sit behind a keyboard and participate in our member-only discussion boards, newly formed Slack channel, or show up to a SFWA-sponsored event, we have your safety in mind. We have a clear set of anti-harassment guidelines and procedures that can be found on our website and have offered these out to the community-at-large for further dissemination and use.

Additionally, our SFWA Ombudsman, a role currently occupied by Gay Haldeman, is ready to receive and act upon complaints as well. You can always get in touch with her at ombudsman@sfwa.org.

You may find our full statement here: sfwa.org/2011/11/sfwa-statement-on-sexual-harassment/

Accessibility Guidelines

In addition to ​making our SFWA-sponsored and controlled spaces free of harassment, we aim to make them inclusive and inviting to all members of the community. Back in 2011, SFWA put together a committee to evaluate accessibility in all arenas. They in turn, came up with a checklist that we use to evaluate event space. While we choose our yearly conference hotel with compliance in mind, we also work with the hotel and conference volunteers to make sure those with disabilities are able to enjoy our events. In places where we have not chosen the venue, we will still work with hotel or the facility management to make sure we mitigate any possible difficulty.

For more information, please visit: nebulas.sfwa.org/nebula-conference/2017-conference-accessibility/

Givers Grants Program

One of the exciting benefits of the reincorporation mentioned above is that we are able to offer grant opportunities to deserving non-profit organizations/individuals. Disbursed from donations made to our SFWA Givers Fund, we’ve supported integral programs such as the Alpha Teen Writing Workshop, the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop, the Clarion West Writers Workshop, and the SFWA Kickstarter Star Project. Over $24,000 was given out in 2023, and we look to offer similar amounts or more in upcoming fiscal years. This year’s call for applications will end at 11:59pm  Pacific Time on October 1. For more information and an application form go to https://www.sfwa.org/about/benevolent-funds/givers-fund-grants/

Membership Discussion Boards

One of the perks of SFWA membership continues to be access to our member-only discussion board and Discord. Filled with a broad range of topics, members can engage in conversation and lively debates from the current state of publishing to favorite recipes. If you are interested in what the SFWA Board is up to, all related business and votes are available, too. Looking for things to read throughout the year come award season? There is a great chance it will be in our fiction section, for free.

Featured Book and Author Program

On our public-facing website, look to the right-hand sidebar, where we feature both members and their newer titles. With thousands of unique page views daily, this program is instrumental in the ever-expensive and changing puzzle that is promotion. Did we mention it’s a free service to our Active and Associate members? To submit, please visit: sfwa.org/member-links/featured-books-and-authors-programs/

Author Signings

It can be difficult sometimes to snag a signing opportunity at a large convention like the annual WorldCon, the American Library Association Meeting, Book Expo, or local book festivals, but SFWA has you covered in that, too. Before the Pandemic, we’ve had presences at many of these types of events, and plan to do so again, starting with the Baltimore Bookfest September 28–29, 2024.

Event Promotion

Even if you can’t join us at one of our many venues, conferences, or events, you can still promote yourself and your titles. We frequently put out a call for materials and have the opportunity to put out postcards and flyers or give away books and/or materials to potential readers and buyers.

At our Nebula Conference, multiple sponsorship opportunities from large banners to priority placement in our conference swag bags are available as well. Although this year’s conference has happened, similar sponsorship opportunities will become available for the 2025 60th anniversary conference. More information on sponsorship availability: https://nebulas.sfwa.org/nebula-conference/https-events-sfwa-org/

The Nebula Conference and Awards

The SFWA Nebula Conference and Awards has evolved since the time it was launched in 1966. Celebrating nearly 60 years, the event has transformed from an awards ceremony only to three days of professional programming, workshops, a mass-autographing, and awards ceremony.

Focusing on three tracks relevant to professionals in the genre, attendees are able to choose from career management, professional development, and expert knowledge panels and workshops throughout the weekend. While the event is open to all genre writers and professionals, SFWA members still are the only ones eligible to nominate and vote for the Nebula Awards®, which are given out on Saturday evening at a banquet. The opportunities for networking are endless, along with the fun that comes with a meeting of peers in the industry.

Currently, the conference takes place in the late Spring of the year and registration begins as early as March. Registration is open to all professionals in the sf/f community. For more information, please visit: nebulas.sfwa.org

​Book Depot

One of the unique challenges at our Nebula Conference was making sure that everyone was able to sell their books. Despite sounding like a pretty straightforward process, it became harder to do as we grew. Smaller bookstores that volunteered in the past had trouble stocking inventory, and many indie and small press authors felt left out. Open to feedback, this past year, we took on the task as an organization to make sure everyone who wanted to participate, could. The book depot worked well, but the pandemic made it impractical to continue it. The Book Depot associated with the 2024 Nebula Conference (2023 awards) is now digital.

NetGalley Opportunities

A few years ago, SFWA opened its doors to independent and small press writers and one of the questions that is often asked of the administration, is what can SFWA offer to these particular members. Enter NetGalley.

Putting your work into the hands of librarians, journalists, and reviewers, NetGalley’s purpose is to help authors secure buzz before launching. Normally, this service can cost upwards of $599 for a single membership and we provide this service to our indie/self-published authors at a greatly reduced cost per title. If you are interested in participating in this program, please visit: sfwa.org/member-links/netgalley-application/

New Release Newsletter

The SFWA new release newsletter goes out every month. Submissions are open to members in good standing and SFF genre pieces can be of any length. Premium ad slots are also available for just twenty-five dollars on a first come, first serve basis. The list is seen by hundreds of hungry and voracious readers. For more information, please visit: sfwa.org/member-links/new-releases-newsletter/

The Nebula Reading List

While only SFWA members can make recommendations to this list, the work does not have to be from a SFWA member. The organization made the list public last year in the hopes it would drive both promotional efforts and vote participation in the awards. The reading list can be found at: sfwa.org/forum/reading/

StoryBundle Opportunities

We’ve curated SFWA StoryBundles, which have been wildly successful for our members. The reader names their price, whatever they feel the books are worth, and they may designate a portion of the proceeds to go to a charity. Part of the rest of the money goes to the curator and the authors involved.

The SFWA YouTube Channel

Curated by volunteer Diane Morrison, the SFWA YouTube channel is your go-to for curated playlists, replays of SFWA events where applicable, and special hangouts done by members of the organization on a wide variety of topics. Please go to: www.youtube.com/c/SFWAYoutube

The SFWA Singularity

Our monthly newsletter, curated by a team of volunteer members, takes all the news and views from all things SFWA and puts them into one location for your reading pleasure. Press releases, new markets, new opportunities, new events, lists of member readings and appearances around the country (and the world), SFWA business, announcements of new SFWA services, popular discussion board topics, recent member accolades, lists of newly added members to the organization, etc. If you are a SFWA member, it should automatically hit your inbox.

Access to the SFWA Suite at Conventions

When I ask members what they view as one of the best things about their membership, I often get the answer, “networking.” If I had a dollar for how many people said being introduced to their peers at one of our many different hospitality suites, I would definitely not be rich, but it would still be enough to buy a bottle of scotch. (The cheap kind, not the 18 year Macallan.) The point of all of that though, is that the SFWA Suite whether at the Nebula Conference or WorldCon, or wherever we may have it in the future, is an excellent place to get away to a quieter space during the day and a great networking opportunity during the evenings.

Bragging Rights

While not technically a service, it’s still pretty awesome to join a nearly 2000-member strong organization aimed at making the field better for everyone.

As you can see, we continue to expand our projects and services as we grow and evolve. We’ve got even more stuff cooking up on the burner including an online university filled with classes for every skill level, a new organization-specific guidebook, a “first-chapters”-like project, even more reading series, a SFWA history and archive project, more reading lists, a librarian and university resource page, a book cover release project, and much more. Now, I’m giving you all of this to digest with one reminder. All of these initiatives were thought of and implemented by volunteers who spoke up and proposed their particular idea. As I’ve said in numerous conversations and panel discussions, SFWA is nothing without the people who invest in the organization as much as the organization invests in them.

A version of this article was published in the SFWA Bulletin–Double Issue 210/211.