SFWA Market Report For March

Welcome to the March edition of the SFWA Market Report.

Please note: Inclusion of any venue in this report does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. Those markets included on this list pay at least $0.08/word USD in at least one category of fiction. This compilation is not exhaustive of all publication opportunities that pay our recommended minimum professional rate. Additionally, SFWA adheres to our DEI Policy when making selections for this report. We strongly encourage writers to closely review all contracts and consult our resources on best contract practices.

Markets Currently Open for Submissions

Analog Science Fiction & Fact
Asimov Press
Asimov’s Science Fiction
Banshee (Magazine) (Recently Opened)
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Cast of Wonders (Recently Opened)
Clarkesworld Magazine
Crepuscular Magazine
Escape Pod
Factor Four Magazine
Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter
Haven Spec Magazine (Recently Opened)
Infinite Worlds
Issues in Earth Science
It Was Paradise
khoréo magazine (khoreo) (Recently Opened)
Metastellar (Originals) (Recently Opened)
Nature: Futures
Orion’s Belt (Recently Opened)
Planet Scumm
Plott Hound Magazine (Recently Opened)
Small Wonders
Torch Literary Arts
Uncharted Magazine
Utopia Science Fiction
Wrath Month

Markets Recently Closed for Submissions

Abyss & Apex
Book XI
Flash Fiction Online (FFO) (Originals)
Frivolous Comma
Impressions Anthology Series (Permanent)
The Cosmic Background
The Tributary
Worlds of Possibility (Permanent)

Other Opportunities

Al Blanchard Award
Apex Monthly Flash Fiction Contest
The Tomorrow Prize

Upcoming Market Changes

Apex Monthly Flash Fiction Contest‘s Submission Window ends soon.
Apex Monthly Flash Fiction Contest‘s Submission Window begins soon.
Banshee (Magazine)‘s “Speculative Fiction, or It doesn’t have to be this way” theme ends soon.
Cast of Wonders‘s “Seasonal Stories” theme ends soon.
Cast of Wonders‘s “Banned Books Week” theme begins soon.
Flash Fiction Online (FFO) (Originals)‘s Submission window begins soon.
Haven Spec Magazine‘s Limited demographic submission window: authors of color, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and other underrepresented groups ends soon.
Haven Spec Magazine‘s Submission window begins soon.
khoréo magazine (khoreo)‘s Submission Window ends soon.
Metastellar (Originals)‘s Submission window ends soon.
Mmeory‘s Submission window begins soon.
Plott Hound Magazine‘s Submission window ends soon.
PodCastle‘s “Disability Pride and Magic” Theme ends soon.
PodCastle‘s General Submission Window ends soon.
Solarpunk Magazine‘s Submission window begins soon.
The Deadlands‘s Submission Window begins soon.
The Orange & Bee‘s Submission Window begins soon.
Uncanny‘s Flash fiction submission window begins and ends soon.
Utopia Science Fiction‘s “Disability Pride” Theme ends soon.
Women of the Weird West‘s Submission window begins soon.

The SFWA Market Report is compiled by David Steffen, editor of Diabolical Plots and The Long List Anthology series, and administrator and co-founder of the Submission Grinder.  You can support Diabolical Plots and the Submission Grinder on PayPal or Patreon or by buying books or merch.