New Sections Added to Indie Pub 101!
We are pleased to offer two new sections for our Indie Pub 101 resource hub at! Launched in July, Indie Pub 101’s purpose is to provide up-to-date resources for indie authors so they can improve their craft, produce professional books, and promote their indie work competitively in the digital marketplace, using the best practices and innovations of successful indie authors. Of course, many of these resources are useful for creators using traditional publication paths as well.
The two new sections are:
- Creating an Author Website, which covers the basics of creating your online website presence; and
- Setting Up Your Author Business, which outlines important considerations as you move your writing from hobby to business.
Libraries and Bookstores is the next section in development, which will cover how to work with different organizations that stock indie authors’ books.
Our thanks go out again to the Indie Authors Committee members! For questions about Indie Pub 101, email