Title of Work: Mrs. Hewitt’s Barbeque: Seven Eclectic Tales of Food, Humor, and Love
Author of Work: Anna D. Allen
URL: http://amzn.com/B004R9Q8II
Title of Work: Mrs. Hewitt’s Barbeque: Seven Eclectic Tales of Food, Humor, and Love
Author of Work: Anna D. Allen
URL: http://amzn.com/B004R9Q8II
Arthur has conquered the first floor of the Tower and with a new ally, he’s got a real chance of building his Clan. The problem is, their alliance hinges on one factor: speed. Survival is no longer the only goal—it’s a speed run to the top.
L. Marie Wood creates immersive worlds that defy genre as they intersect horror, romance, mystery, thriller, sci-fi, and fantasy elements to weave harrowing tapestries of speculative fiction. Wood is a Professor of English and Creative Writing.