Title of Work: Enchantress from the Stars
Author of Work: Sylvia Engdahl
URL: http://www.fictionwise.com/ebooks/b2596/?si=0
Title of Work: Enchantress from the Stars
Author of Work: Sylvia Engdahl
URL: http://www.fictionwise.com/ebooks/b2596/?si=0
In these provocative, mind-bending tales you’ll find alternative realities, surreal landscapes, haunted mansions, future battlefields, enraged poltergeists, mythological mischief-makers, and freedom fighters on a far planet.
Robyn Dabney, an author and freelance copyeditor, is known for her fantasy trilogies, The Soul Mender Trilogy and The Daughter of the Summit & Sea (The Ascenditure), as well as her sci-fi short Cracked and horror short The Utburd.