Quick Updates for 2010-08-01
Member News
- Welcome to SFWA’s newest Associate member Jerry Gordon. Read his qualifying story.
- SFWA member Jim C. Hines has a good post on how he sold his first novel, GOBLINQUEST.
Member News
A science-fantasy-noir novel inspired by the Nebula-nominated “Tower of Mud and Straw.” Towers, politics, alternate worlds. Kirkus called it “mind-expanding” in a starred review; Daily Mail, “a towering achievement and a genre-busting tour de force.”
Jean Marie Ward writes about all things weird, wonderful and downright peculiar in her hometown of Washington, DC. Sometimes she writes fiction. It makes a lot more sense than the facts. Her web site is JeanMarieWard.com.
Come celebrate our diamond year with us! Register now for SFWA's 60th Annual Nebula Conference, hosted at Kansas City, MO, and also online, from June 5-8.