Quick Updates for 2010-04-23
- SFWA member @michaelcanfield's short-short story "People with Earplugs" is up on EverydayWeirdness.com http://bit.ly/bHx2pZ #
- The Nebula Awards interviews Richard Bowes http://bit.ly/9zfApV #
Linda is a lonely remote worker who confronts digital gaslighting and identity theft when she uncovers a deepfake A.I. persona at her company that no one else recognizes. The conflict escalates to devastating consequences.
Dilman Dila is a writer and filmmaker. His books, Where Rivers Go To Die, was shortlisted for the PKD Awards (2024). He was shortlisted for the BSFA Awards and the Nommo Awards for Best Novella. Watch his scifi films on patreon.com/dilstories