Quick Updates for 2010-04-23
- SFWA member @michaelcanfield's short-short story "People with Earplugs" is up on EverydayWeirdness.com http://bit.ly/bHx2pZ #
- The Nebula Awards interviews Richard Bowes http://bit.ly/9zfApV #
Arthur has conquered the first floor of the Tower and with a new ally, he’s got a real chance of building his Clan. The problem is, their alliance hinges on one factor: speed. Survival is no longer the only goal—it’s a speed run to the top.
Meteorologist turned novelist, Maria’s been writing SF/F since she was bored at work. Over two dozen novels later, Maria’s been on the New York Times bestseller list, won a dozen awards, and teaches in Seton Hill University’s MFA program.