Omega was released in November 2003 by Ace Books. It will also be a
featured selection by the Science Fiction Book Club. And Easton Press will
publish a leather-bound, signed, limited edition.
"Unless they’ve been cut off from humanity for a good while, every serious Science Fiction reader knows that Jack McDevitt has been working at the top of his field for more years than he'd probably care to remember...." [complete interview]
Rob Rowntree and Lisa Negus
Reviewers react to Omega:
"...A truly epic feel....And...whatever you might have thought
(the omega clouds') purpose was, you'll be surprised."
Jesup, GA Press-Sentinel
"McDevitt takes his time moving all the players in this drama into
position. He handles the back story so adroitly that readers unfamiliar
with earlier volumes in this series should have no trouble following the
action. Finally, he provides a satisfying answer to the mystery of the
omegas that is appropriately cosmic without straining credulity."
The New York Times
"Jack McDevitt rides...with panache and brio and solid
"...A good job keeping us on the edge of our seats...."
Jacksonville (FL)Times-Union
Omega, like much of McDevitt's work, is not only about its
well-developed SF motifs, but also about how recognizable people
-- bureaucrats, scientists, pilots, PR flacks, or alien talk-show stars and
able sea-Goompahs-- cope with these science-fictional phenomena, and in
this way it is kin to other novels with a bureaucratic-procedural side
(Greg Benford's Timescape and Cosm, Nancy Kress's Stinger). It's this
convergence of the cosmic and the familiar that makes McDevitt one of the
most engaging writers pursuing an understanding of our place among the
infinities and imagining what the neighbors might be like.
-- Locus
Over the course of several books including Chindi and
Deepsix, McDevitt has been building toward a climax that is now upon
us.... As with his previous novels, McDevitt manages to evoke a sense of
wonder about the universe that is rare in much contemporary SF, and his
aliens are an interesting and memorable culture.
-- SF Chronicle
"Having mastered the big, sprawling adventure stories called space
opera in books like Chindi, McDevitt extends the form in this feel-good SF
novel that earns its hopeful conclusion....McDevitt is very good at
imagining strange challenges, and at picturing humans coping when things
don't work out as planned."
The (series) McDevitt began with The Engines of God...concludes in
a decisive confrontation with the omega clouds....As before, McDevitt
forges out of ethical dilemmas a plot as gripping as any action fan could
want....A felicitous concoction that rather recalls Gregory Benford and
David Brin's stuff, and surely will please their fans as well as McDevitt's.
"The real strength of the narrative lies in its profound evocation
of cosmic mysteries, and in its corollary concern for the tiny
nuts-and-bolts details that underlie the largest, most complex
enterprises....No one writing today is better than McDevitt at combining
galaxy-spanning adventure with the genuine novel of ideas. This latest
amalgam of hard SF and humanist concerns is McDevitt at his best, and that
is very good indeed."
Washington Post
"...There is plenty of excitement, some sympathetic characters to
follow, and an answer to a puzzle McDevitt first posed almost a decade ago.
If you've enjoyed the earlier novels in the series, you won't want to miss
this one."
After almost half a century of exploration, the Academy has
finally found a true living civilization. It is advanced in many
ways, but it is fragile and still in the very early stages of
technological development. The bad news is that we found it
because an omega cloud is headed its way, and we are now
confronted with the problem that once overwhelmed the Monument-Makers (in The Engines of God): Find a way to perform a rescue.
And do it without letting the locals know we're there.
While a reinforced team tries to work a miracle, Priscilla
Hutchins, now director of Academy operations, seeks to solve the
puzzle of the age: What are the omega clouds? The answer, she
suspects, might be found in an art gallery in Georgetown.
is the final book in the four-novel cycle that began
The Engines of God, and continues through
Deepsix and Chindi. It is scheduled for release in November 2003 by Ace
Jack McDevitt