Jessica J. Frasca Stripe

I write science fiction, fantasy, and mystery stories, and dabble in horror and mainstream (see bibliography). I’ve also illustrated some of my stories. My current project is a time-travel romance novel that will take my heroine back to the Old West. My fiction ranges from the hysterical to the nauseating (I’ve gotten both those reactions in the same story...).

My one national publication so far is a poem, "Gut Instinct," reprinted in the 1996 Poet’s Market (check out the entry for Mystery Time). An Honorable Mention was awarded to my novelette, "Masunga’s Children," in the third quarter of the 1998 L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest.

In 1995, I attended the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop (a very good year) and learned tremendous things from the likes of Joe and Gay Haldeman, Nancy Kress, Pat Murphy, Samuel R. Delany, Karen Joy Fowler, and Tim Powers, and editors Shawna McCarthy and Madeleine Robins. I was the grateful recipient of that year’s Curious Bookshop scholarship (Curious Bookshop, 307 E. Grand River, East Lansing, MI 48823).

Now a full-time writer, I was formerly employed as an accounting clerk, an emergency medical technician (volunteer), a Kelly Girl, and lab technicians at both a medical school and a USDA agricultural research lab. In addition to being a SFWA affiliate, I’m an active member of the Mystery Writers of America and a general member of the Romance Writers of America. In my spare time, I’m the layout and copy editor for Starlite, the quarterly newsletter of the Peoria Astronomical Society.


The boring, personal stuff:

BulletApril 1981: Married Michael A. Frasca (whom I still adore)

BulletMay 1986: Received my Bachelor of Science in Biology, Summa Cum Laude, from Bradley University

BulletOctober 1987: Daughter Amy born

BulletSeptember 1991: Son Alexander born

BulletJanuary 1994: Son Christopher born




Offsite Links (in alphabetical order):

BulletClarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop

BulletDownState Story Magazine

BulletMurderous Intent

BulletPeoria Astronomical Society

BulletPulp Eternity

BulletScavenger's Newsletter

BulletTerra Incognita

BulletTurkey City Lexicon


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