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Reading Series

SFWA encourages readers and writers of science fiction to gather in many cities. Here is a list of events we know about. Many of the previously listed sf/f reading series were discontinued because of the pandemic and haven’t started up again. If you know of a regularly scheduled sf/f reading series that should be listed here, please contact office@sfwa.org.

Baltimore, Maryland

Charm City Spec, a speculative reading series in the city of Baltimore.  On Twitter/X.

Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn Books & Booze returns! Our readers this month are Lancelot Schaubert, LJ Cohen, Emily Munro and Gordon Linzner – with a possible bonus reader or two, all in support of the anthology Of Gods and Globes! This is a monthly (usually third Tuesday) in-person event that showcases four (or more!) authors reading from their recent works. And it’s FREE!

January 21st, 7:00 PM at at Barrow’s Intense Tasting Room at 86th 34th Street, Brooklyn, NY (in Industry City)!

For more information, go to BrooklynBooksBooze.com

New York City, NY

Fantastic Fiction at the KGB Bar in New York City. 3rd Wednesday of every month. Upcoming readers, Podcasts and Pictures.  Ben Berman Ghan and Jacob Weisman will be reading on January 8 at 7 PM, Rebecca Fraimow and Clay McLeod Chapman will be reading on February 12.