Title of Work: Land of Mist and Snow
Author of Work: Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald
URL: http://www.sff.net/people/doylemacdonald/Mistsnowhead.htm
Title of Work: Land of Mist and Snow
Author of Work: Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald
URL: http://www.sff.net/people/doylemacdonald/Mistsnowhead.htm
Alex Delmore wants out of her dead-end suburban town, but her parents are broke, her brother is an idiot, and NYU seems like a distant dream. Good thing there’s a genie in town—and he’s hiring at the Wellspring Mall.
Garrett Boatman is the author of Stage Fright, Floaters, Night’s Plutonian Shore, The Clocks of Midnight, The Mirror of Eternity, and A Prisoner of Dreamland. His stories have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies.